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Nos autres sites :
oman in hunting dress, bonnet and kerchief leading a horse in the Parc de Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 1807. A check in the park at Bagatelle. Chateau de Bagatelle, a neoclassical folly built for the Comte d'Artois, later King Charles X, in   Woman in hunting dress, bonnet and kerchief leading a horse in the Parc de Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 1807. A check in the park at Bagatelle. Chateau de Bagatelle, a neoclassical folly built for the Comte d'Artois, later King Charles X, in the background. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V. after an illustration by Francois Courboin from Octave Uzanne's Fashion in Paris, William Heinemann, London, 1898. -- Animal Assiette Avenue Bois De Boulogne Bâtiment Cheval Couple Divertissement Empire Esthétique Europe Femme Flaner France Féminin Ile-de-france Illustration Lunettes Lunettes De Vue Mammifère Mode Objet Ongulé Optique Parc Parc De Bagatelle Paris Personnage Premier Riff Rue Salle De Spectacle Siècle Théâtre Urbanisme Vaisselle Ville Voirie

Mary Evans

Image n° : 6612430

Droits Gérés

Légende : oman in hunting dress, bonnet and kerchief leading a horse in the Parc de Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 1807. A check in the park at Bagatelle. Chateau de Bagatelle, a neoclassical folly built for the Comte d'Artois, later King Charles X, in Woman in hunting dress, bonnet and kerchief leading a horse in the Parc de Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 1807. A check in the park at Bagatelle. Chateau de Bagatelle, a neoclassical folly built for the Comte d'Artois, later King Charles X, in the background. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V. after an illustration by Francois Courboin from Octave Uzanne's Fashion in Paris, William Heinemann, London, 1898. © Florilegius Collection/Mary Evans Picture Library / Photononstop Photographe : Florilegius Collection/Mary Evans Picture Library
Restrictions : Utilisation éditoriale uniquement, nous contacter pour toute autre utilisation

341 x 500 px
(12 x 18 cm, 72dpi)
4589 x 6738 px
(39 x 57 cm, 300dpi)