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hina, Beijing, guard behind seats A Chinese security member stands guard at the VIP seating area in the Bird's Nest Olympic stadium in Beijing on August 12, 2008 prior to the start of the athletics competitions for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on August 15.  AFP PHOTO/GABRIEL BOUYS -- Asie Bâtiment Casquette Chapeau Chine Chine Du Nord Controle Couleur Effet Graphique Extérieur Garde Gradin Habitant De Chine Infrastructure Infrastructure Sportive Jour Meuble Policier Pékin Rouge Siège Stade Stade Olympique Surveiller Travailler Uniforme Vide Vue Plongeante Vêtement


Image n° : 1038439

Droits Gérés

Légende : hina, Beijing, guard behind seats A Chinese security member stands guard at the VIP seating area in the ""Bird's Nest"" Olympic stadium in Beijing on August 12, 2008 prior to the start of the athletics competitions for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on August 15. AFP PHOTO/GABRIEL BOUYS © GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP Creative / Photononstop Photographe : GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP Creative

339 x 500 px
(12 x 18 cm, 72dpi)
2680 x 3952 px
(23 x 33 cm, 300dpi)