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American troops of the 101st company transporting ammunition through Soulosse-sous-Saint-Elophe in north eastern France during the First World War. They are watched by a group of children in the foreground. (10-avr-18) -- 1918 Ages Animal Années 10 Arme Armée Armée De Terre Avril Cheval Curiosité Enfant Europe Extérieur Fourniture France Féminin Guerre Histoire Historique Homme Mammifère Masculin Militaire Monde Munition Noir Et Blanc Nord Ongulé Orientation Personnage Petit Garçon Petite Fille Points Cardinaux Premier Religion Route Saint Soldat Spectateur Transport Vie Spirituelle Village Ville Voirie

Mary Evans

Image n° : 2952322

Droits Gérés

Légende : American troops of the 101st company transporting ammunition through Soulosse-sous-Saint-Elophe in north eastern France during the First World War. They are watched by a group of children in the foreground. (10-avr-18) © Imperial War Museum/Robert Hunt Library/Mary Evans Picture Library / Photononstop Photographe : Imperial War Museum/Robert Hunt Library/Mary Evans Picture Library

500 x 397 px
(18 x 14 cm, 72dpi)
4627 x 3676 px
(39 x 31 cm, 300dpi)